Monday, 18 May 2020

Ancient Egypt

Today my class did a challenge called guess the topic, we had to be in our table group for our groups. We had 4 tasks that we had to do. 
#1 Was build three puzzles 
#2 Unscramble the words 
#3 Answer the math questions to get letters
#4 Find the topic using the shape of the country and the letter.
We got up to number three then my group ran out of time.  At the end if we didn't complete all the tasks and figure out the topic we got told the topic. The topic was Ancient Egypt. 

It was quite hard to do but a really fun challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Hello George Im Shay from yaldhurst model school.
    I like how you explained the challnge. Sounds very fun maybe next time you could do a slide show making it more colourful and much more apealing to others who go on your blog.I what we do in my class at my school is add three qustions at the end for people to comment about. But you did a great job I really liked your blog post.
    - Shay


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