Thursday, 14 November 2019

New maths rotations

At the start of this week T4 got new maths rotations this is what it looks like. I like the new rotation because it is a lot more easier to use.  

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Recipotal Reading

Today we did recipotal reading like we always do 

Recipotal Reading
We are reading a book called Act One.
We think it is about a performance 
So far we have read about Mel's mum who invites this new teacher who she works with at the polytech for lunch and she brings her really smart daughter so Mel acts like a different person to act cool. 

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Making a flow chart

This morning Totara 4 were making flow charts. we made these for how to make Milo's/Hot chocolate and Tea. I made a flow chart for how to make a Milo this is the start of it as I haven't finished it yet.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Reciprocal Reading

Walt: Work in a group and share our ideas.

Everyday after morning tea we do reciprocal reading and we get in groups of 4 or 5 and we read a book and then answered questions. In our group is George, Quin, Jake and Dylan and me. Our book is about Emperor Penguins.