Thursday 5 July 2018

Matariki Kite Day

Today we made kites with a friend. I chose my friend called Hunter and we made this kite. We used cellophane, insulation tape, sellotape and paper. We made the kites about Matariki. The whole school is having a celebration about Matariki stars today at 10 past 11. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello George. I really like your Matariki kite. I wasn't here when you guys flew your kites, it sounded pretty cool. Next time you could maybe tell us how it flew. Would you make any changes to your kite design?

  3. Hi George I really like the colours on the kite and the different star shapes it makes them stand out. What was your favourite part about kite day?

  4. Hi George your kite looks really cool I made a kite it was a big red one but I didn't finish it and I gave it to someone and they finished and made it fly pretty well, Maybe next time explain about what matiriki is? Ok Bye George From nikalai

  5. Hi George.
    I like your blog post and the kite look good and did it fly or not.

    From Felix

  6. Hi George, Its Cleo here from Totara 3.
    I really liked your kite and the colours of it really stood out. I liked how you said the equipment that you used. What was your favourite part about the Matariki kite day? Good Job!!

    From Cleo


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